
Ku termenung seakan jiwaku melayang..
Tak tahu dimana perhentian....
Entah apa yang dalam pikiran
Bergemuruh di hatiku membayang

Ku dengar alunan ayat - ayat ...
Hidup hambar terbuang kata demi kata
Yang mengalun sebagai gita...
Mencurah rasa dalam kalimat..

Aku yang tak pernah sadar...
Aku yang tak pernah mengerti...
Setiap hembusan nafasku....
Setiap jengkal langkah hidupku...
Harusnya memiliki jiwa ....
Jiwa yang dapat mewakiliku
Sebagai binatang dalam topeng Manusia..

Ku dengar bisikan angin
Bercerita padaku tentang rindu..
Aku hanyut dan tertegun dalam pilu

Ku dengar bisikan ombak….
Bercerita padaku tentang rembulan
Yang sewindu tak bertemu

Oh tuhan…
Aku lelah melalui malam…..
Aku selalu menangis menunggu pagi…
Menangis yg tiada air mata lagi

Namun akhirnya kusadari..
Bahwa aku tak sedang bermimpi…

Inilah kisahku…
Inilah hidupku..
Inilah jalanku..

Ditengah badai dan topan…
Ku tersenyum menatap senja…
Untuk yang pertama disepanjang hayatku…
Biarlah aku pasrah….
Kepada takdir ilahi ….
Yang kan menuntunku…
Pada keindahan nirwana…

Aku ingin menapaki puncak yang tinggi…
Bernyanyi ditengah savana yang indah nan sunyi…
Hanya deru angin yang menemani…
Mengiringi bait demi bait kuresapi

Bukan aku yang menyakiti pelangi…
Bukan aku yang membuat langit menangis…

Aku hanya lelah ….
Oleh badai dialam ini…
Aku hanya ingin sendiri meniti sepi…..
Biarlah ragaku menapaki bumi…
Namun jiwaku bermain dengan rimba dan lautan…
Hingga nanti… saat kumati…

Tuk SahabatQ

Wahai engkau yang dilahirkan di atas ranjang kesengsaraan..

Diberi makan pada dada penurunan nilai

Yang bermain sebagai seorang anak di rumah tirani

Engkau yang memakan roti basimu dengan keluhan

Dan meminum air keruhmu bercampur dengan airmata yang getir

Wahai askar..

Yang diperintah oleh hukum yang tidak adil

Oleh lelaki yang meninggalkan isterinya..

Meninggalkan anak-anaknya yang masih kecil..

Meninggalkan sahabat-sahabatnya..

Dan memasuki gelanggang kematian

Demi kepentingan cita-cita yang mereka sebut 'keperluan'

Wahai penyair..

Yang hidup sebagai orang asing di kampung halamannya

Tak dikenali di antara mereka yang mengenalinya

Yang hanya berhasrat untuk hidup di atas sampah masyarakat

Dan dari tinggalan atas permintaan dunia yang hanya tinta dan kertas

Wahai tawanan..

Yang dilemparkan ke dalam kegelapan kerana kejahatan kecil

Yang teraniaya oleh mereka yang membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan

Dibuang dengan kebijaksanaan yang ingin mempertahankan hak

Melalui cara-cara yang keliru

Wahai wanita yang malang..

Yang kepadanya Tuhan menganugerahkan kecantikan

Masa muda yang tidak setia memandangnya dan mengekorimu

Memperdayakan engkau..

Menanggung kemiskinanmu dengan emas

Ketika kau menyerah padanya dia meninggalkanmu

Kau serupa mangsa..

Yang gementar dalam cakar-cakar penurunan nilai

Dan keadaan yang menyedihkan

Wahai eman-temanku yang rendah hati..

Para martir bagi hukum buatan manusia.

Kau bersedih..

Dan kesedihanmu adalah akibat dari kebiadaban yang hebat,

Dari ketidakadilan sang hakim..

Dari licik si kaya..

Dan dari keegoisan hamba demi hawa nafsunya

Janganlah putus asa..

Kerana di sebalik ketidakadilan dunia ini..

Dibalik persoalan..

Dibalik awan gemawan..

Dibalik bumi..

Dibalki semua hal ada suatu kekuatan..

Yang tak lain adalah seluruh kadilan..

Segenap kelembutan..

Semua kesopanan..

Segenap cinta kasih

Engkau laksana bunga yang tumbuh dalam bayangan

Segera angin yang lembut akan bertiup dan membawa bijianmu

Memasuki cahaya matahari..

Tempat mereka yang akan menjalani suatu kehidupan indah

Engkau laksana pepohonan telanjang

Yang rendah kerana berat berbatang

Dan bersama salju musim dingin

Lalu musim bunga akan tiba menyelimuti

Dengan dedaunan hijau dan berair

Kebenaran akan mengoyak tabir airmata

Yang menyembunyikan senyuman


kuucapkan selamat datang padamu

Dan kuanggap hina para penindasmu.

Kumpulan Coretanku

Hanya beberapa coretan iseng yg selalu Q update dan diabadikan dalam agendaQ



penderitaan (kata-kata mutiara)

“Penderitaan yang menyakitkan adalah koyaknya kulit pembungkus kesedaran seperti pecahnya kulit buah supaya intinya terbuka merekah bagi sinar matahari yang tercurah”.

“Kalian memiliki takdir kepastian untuk merasakan penderitaan dan kepedihan,. Jika hati kalian masih tergetar oleh rasa takjub menyaksikan keajaiban yang terjadi dalam kehidupan, maka pedihnya penderitaan tidak kalah enakjubkan daripada kesenangan.”

“Banyak di antara yang kalian menderita adalah pilihan kalian sendiri – obat pahit kehidupan agar manusia sembuh dari luka hati dan penyakit jiwa. Percayalah tabib kehidupan dan teguk habis ramuan pahit itu dengan cekal dan tanpa bicara.”


Pada Awan Kugantung Rindu

Pada Awan Kugantung Rindu

Di sela-sela awan kata itu kusimpan
Berpilah lusuh menari di atas kapas
Bius resah menjuntai mimpi
Menyeret rindu dalam sepi
Senantiasa genit di malam nan sunyi

Setoreh kalimat menyentuh hati
Bibir bergerak diantara sengal nafas
Mengalir diresah kata nurani
Mengukir bait tiada sempat terucap

Suara hati dikejauhan membias warna fajar
Pada dedaunan yang berguguran
Terangi bayangku dengan sinar
Sebagai jawaban dari kerinduan diantara awan

Rasamu mengalir serupa musim mendekapku erat
Aku mencumbu resahmu di ujung subuh
Mengabarkan rasa pembuluh rindu
Biar matamu menumpahkan selaksa duka
Agar esok matahari dalam dadamu tersenyum

Berseri menyinari menyambut hadirku


wise word

Salahlah bagi orang yang mengira bahwa cinta itu datang kerana pergaulan yang lama dan rayuan yang terus menerus. Cinta adalah tunas pesona jiwa, dan jika tunas ini tak tercipta dalam sesaat, ia takkan tercipta bertahun-tahun atau bahkan abad.

music clips

Korean version Hanayori Dango set to charm in 2008

After the mega popularity of Meteor Garden first in Taiwan back in 2001 and then subsequently Hana Yori Dango in Japan in recent years, Korea is also set to have its very own version of Meteor Garden in 2008.

Popular Japanese anime, Hana Yori Dango will be adapated into a Korean drama. The Taiwanese and Japanese version of the television drama has achieved phenomenal ratings during its run and the Japanese version which was shown on cable television achieved pretty good ratings and earning lots of fans in the process. The company which will be producing this is Group Eight whose previous works were Goong: Princess Hours and Fantasy Couple. The Japanese rights holder decided to work with Group Eight after learning about it’s production capability after viewing Goong S.

By releasing this exciting news first, Group Eight has created lots of anticipation and hype over who will be taking the roles ahead of the actual casting. Many netizens in fact are already posting and discussing furiously over who their ideal cast should be since the news broke yesterday.

With regards to the Korean F4, the production team revealed, “We will be choosing based on their similarities with the anime characters. We won’t be choosing based on how popular or how well-known they are.” The Korean version of Hanayori Dango is set at 24 episodes, each clocking in at 70 minutes and will be shown on television in the latter part of 2008.

The following are early picks by fans since the news broke:

Makino Tsukushi/杉菜
1. Yoon Eun Hye
2. Goo Hye Sun

Doumyouji Tsukasa/道明寺
1. Jo In Sung
2. Kang Dong Won
3. Lee Dong Gun
4. Jang Hyuk
5. Hyun Bin

Hanazawa Rui/花泽类
1. Im Joo Hwan
2. Choi Si Won
3. Jang Geun Seuk

credits to coolsmurf + dramabeans+se7enth heaven

camp rock music

Japan will get an early release for Identified, out June 18, 2 weeks earlier than the U.S date.

Advanced Japanese release (subject to change) of the second full-length album from “High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens. Produceed by JR Rotem, Mark Ronson, and more. Japanese edition features Japan-only bonus track and Japan-original album art (all details subject to change).

printable sheet music

Build your Business with Ballroom Dance

Dance has an remarkable influence in my world. I start learning In June 1998 In Dancer Studio with Adam Gordon, now a my closed friend the esquire. I remember enters studio and thinking...what an hobby atmosphere, not an also can be be unhappy here. That is in now in life when me I start my own , Movement As Him, as one consultants? bus self-supporting for individual and organizations. After the in big consulting company where my social life completely permeated by function of they, I am being leaved with interest many choices like how to filling calendar of my social. putri my Lebih was near by tip of its(the days high school and wish to expend slimmer of time with...mom. I am in top from becoming unsure and empty den around is the next. So; Thereby starts my journey into a lot of dancing hall dance.

And what which a pleasing journey, so much benefits including... firstly one active activities where I cannot only gets practice but leting go of attention to experience as an entrepreneur strarting ascending of career. Secondly I exposed to an new entirety subdividing the centripetal friends and social interaction at dance compared to alcohol. Third I am can explore a way of different entirety to deal with my x'self and communicates with a real free others and gladdens for me. ( I am continuing to thought of writes a book, Finds God in Dance-floor)

Business - My grows

Then dance that is then its the added to my livelihood. Which is not planned by me, I start teaching dance. After moving in La Crosse, plane Wisconsin in 2002, I find dancing to the music is vacuous approximant over there. soul wobble to my maintenace and, I offer some group classs. I then is invited for with a project of historic renovation in Viroqua where I can open a dance studio, Sandals, or rather a center creative arts, where I become case host of differ from music, legitimate stage, artistic and dance. The public is gladdened with center this and Slippers is nominated [by] roadway business from year in Wisconsin in 2004. Reputation - My grows and I to become known as expert resident with requests for dance classs from embosoming areas which is including La Crosse, Winona, Rushford, Caledonia, Onalaska and more.

But I peckish still to spring up property works as that expressed by my Move As One™ programs. And surprisingly, I find dancing to the music is an equipment of marketing amazing that introducing me to some of the members increasingly having an effect on public which would then of inviting me into businesss they to guide shifts they are for " moves its" to productivity and profitability. . further, I apply concepts from dancing to the music help to submit messages in . me teachs and presentations. And I find my discussion improve;repairs considerably when I to draw on experience from me dance; I am a materialization of full filling device from my x'self, express in fully body, when I talk in front of hearers larger ones.

Changes life to bring I to return

During the time, my putri married with and place x'self in south Minneapolis. Shortly after nuptials, they start have babes. I now grandmother which 2 boys and a new baby daughter. I find I can no longer refrain from, Hence I am backward to Twin Cities last year, in 2007. More child of mid, Maximilian, has treatment open in short order postnatal, and even s(he is finely healthy now, I decide to become more readily available, like also more actively in living them.

I mewujudkan?menyadari since La Crosse was an remarkable experiment from success...and Minneapolis was my house and seriously offers a market far bigger. - My consults and training business is work of my base here, but I am continuing to take an interest in teaching dancing hall dance.

Dance about life

After devoting some dance classs at St. Joan from Arc summer, I decide I to wish a more permanent house. But where can I teach? In February from this year, my one training clients tells to me around article in Star Tribune about Jeff Nehrbass, a Lutheran serves

listen music Online TV

The next logical step for internet entangles moves closer to interactive television. People love to observe TV, they like to surf Web, and ten millions of thinking much of interacting with others in web site networking social. online TV Yang Interaktip your to speak adapts to audiences, behavior survey, and sees whose you to meet with. ( in) for past a few; some monthses, many of my customers, its(the cutomer?clients and minta(ta prospects I question has is the same: “ What which group of one would be of benefit to most by using INTERACTIVE TV technology?” Answer - My: There is two types recognized from Tv Interaktif, video speaks and video conferencing. Whose also which would normally makes every type from public presentation in front of a group two or more people in a boardroom, meeting space, or center convention earns is of benefit to immediately by using Video conferencing. Whose also which would normally speaks online in a social network Video would be good having speking to be from they to think much of.
The following examples you help would see power from INTERACTIVE TV to assist sale of artificial business, examination ( art talent) for a role, interviews for a position, and saves an traveling expense. • a seller traveling everywhere country to give the same presentation repeatedly can apply INTERACTIVE TV to make that presentation without office pickings. • a musicians, actor, or examination singer may ( art talent) for a role or position of in a production company.
• a soldier disseminates because country may find this useful technology when informing family and the friends returns home. • Take one in its(the Iessons out of one instructors on the other side world without shopping a dime in traveling expense. Enamel Video gives you an advantage which is serious with out to your cutomer?clients, prospects, the friends and family. Every company, small or big, that selling approximant every product or service earns is of benefit to from adding video to send enamel to until its(the online marketing strategy. With video enamel which depend on podium is applied, you can enclose advertisement banner with barbed hyperlinks with your video enamel. This mengizinkan[membiarkan will your audiences to check out a web site, blog, or contents of your online wish to point them for. you earns design is accomodated by advertisement graph and easily encloses them to your video enamel. Actually, every businessperson which online failing to do so puts down x'self risks at one particular loss which serious. Podcasting is an valuable equipment does you be trying to yield business or gets word out your music.
Podcasting your to recordings of your upload audio and video and hearers to audio download from your web site. As one musicianses which will come, you earns easily gets word out about your album all over the world and traffic to your web site to buy. the next What’s? Is interacting with others through your television seperti(ketika opposes to computer. That’s your correctness soon won’t even requires a computer. More information is available in HelloDemoTour. coal oil mixture along with example of from how peoples is using technology